
Naturally, the pipeline.Pipeline class implements the processing pipeline.

Validator registration

Register by constructor

The pipeline.Pipeline constructor takes a validators keyword argument, which is a list of validators to run in the pipeline.

Each value in the validators list is expected to be a string describing the path to a validator class, for import via importlib.

Optionally, for builtin validators, the validator.name property can be used as a shorthand convenience.


validators = [‘structure’, ‘schema’] # short hand names for builtin validators validators = [‘my_module.CustomValidatorOne’, ‘my_module.CustomValidatorTwo’] # import from string validators = [‘structure’, ‘my_module.CustomValidatorTwo’] # both combined

Register by instance method

Once you have a pipeline.Pipeline instance, you can also register validators via the register_validator method.

Registering new validators this way will by default append the new validators to any existing pipeline.

You can define the position in the pipeline explicitly using the position argument.


pipeline = Pipeline(args, kwargs) pipeline.register_validator(‘structure’, structure_options) pipeline.register_validator(‘spec’, spec_options, 0)

Validator options

Pipeline takes an options keyword argument to pass options into each validator in the pipeline.

options should be a dict, with each top-level key being the name of the validator.


pipeline_options = {
‘structure’: {
# keyword args for the StructureValidator

}, ‘schema’: {

# keyword args for the SchemaValidator



Instantiating the pipeline


TODO: This is not complete

Running the pipeline

Run the pipeline with the run method.

run in turn calls the supported validator methods of each validator.

Once the data table has been run through all validators, run returns a tuple of valid, report, where:

  • valid is a boolean, indicating if the data table is valid according to the pipeline validation
  • report is tellme.Report instance, which can be used to generate a report in various formats

Validator arguments

Most validators will have custom keyword arguments for their configuration.

Additionally, all validators are expected to take the following keyword arguments, and exhibit certain behaviour based on their values.

The base.Validator signature implements these arguments.


fail_fast is a boolean that defaults to False.

If fail_fast is True, the validator is expected to stop processing as soon as an error occurs.


transform is a boolean that defaults to True.

If transform is True, then the validator is “allowed” to return transformed data.

The caller (e.g., the pipeline class) is responsible for persisting transformed data.


report_limit is an int that defaults to 1000, and refers to the maximum amount of entries that this validator can write to a report.

If this number is reached, the validator should stop processing.


row_limit is an int that defaults to 20000, and refers to the maximum amount of rows that this validator will process.


report_stream allows calling code to pass in a writable, seekable text stream to write report entries to.

Validator attributes

Validators are also expected to have the following attributes.


A tellme.Report instance. See TellMe

Validators are expected to write report entries to the report instance.

pipeline.Pipeline will call validator.report.generate for each validator to build the pipeline report.


A shorthand name for this validator. name should be unique when called in a pipeline.

Validators that inherit from base.Validator have a name that defaults to a lower-cased version of the class name.